The Upside Down Show Lost Episode

I was about 4 at that time. I loved nick jr. From Dora to Wubbzy, but I had a favorite show on there. It was The Upside Down Show. It always started with Shane and David (The main two characters) in a white room. It would give us the remove (Not literally). Then it would tell us to push a certain button. We would always push the upside down button, then soon, they would get out, then the episode would be about a topic. It was a saturday morning, Nothing to do. The upside down show was coming on soon. I decided to get ready. When it came on, the beginning was different. They were both in different clothes. Instead of the same buttons, I pushed a button that made the background black. I felt like this was a special episode. When they went to the room, it was covered in strange red substance, which I thought was blood. I started shivering and tried to change the channel, but it wouldn't work. Soon, David came in, but something was different. Where was Shane? David soon started talking a bit of korean talk, then it shown that he was holding Shane's head. Afterwards, the screen went into static. THEN SOON, IT SHOWN A BUNCH OF DANCING SKELETONS. THOSE DANCING SKELETONS WERE THE SKELETONS OF SHANE AND DAVID. I GOT SCARED AND SPOOKED AND TRIED TO TURN THE TV OFF. IT DIDN'T WORK. SOON, SOMETHING HAPPENED THAT ALMOST MAKE ME PUKE.
A skeleton popped out...